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RealTimeRental® and PMT – Property Manager Tools Announce an Integration Partnership to provide VRMs and Property Managers Seamless Use of Both Company’s Suite of Services

RealTimeRental® and PMT – Property Manager Tools Announce an Integration Partnership to provide VRMs and Property Managers Seamless Use of Both Company’s Suite of Services RealTimeRental® and PMT – Property Manager Tools announced a strategic partnership between the two companies. The partnership includes a seamless, direct connection for mutual clients, so that the end user has one point of entry to utilize PMT’s suite of marketing products, Housekeeping Module, etc.

Sherry Tomasso, Co-Founder of RealTimeRental®, states “We are very excited to work with the team at PMT. Their SmartResponder™ is a cutting edge tool that will allow my clients to respond immediately to inquiries, even when their offices are closed. We are also very excited about the other tools in their suite, and the enhancements they’ve planned for this quarter.”

According to Doug Rein, Co-Founder and development lead at PMT, “With direct access to RTR’s data, we can provide very fast account setups, with almost no effort from the PM. With SmartResponder™, for example, an RTR account can sign up and begin sending automated quote responses in the same day.” Robert Simmons, Co-Founder and Marketing Director of PMT, remarked “We are very excited to be working with Sherry Tomasso and Joe Testa. We can provide a suite of services that complements their products, and automates their clients’ manual processes.”

About RealTimeRental® RealTimeRental® is a leading cloud based vacation rental software solution. As the solution of choice for over 200 vacation rental offices, theyprovide their clients with a comprehensive reservation and accounting system for back office, as well as, rental property search tools for their websites! Their clients consistently provide outstanding testimonials about their level of support, the dynamic nature of their system, along with an accurate fully integrated trust accounting package. RealTimeRental® offers a trusted, secure, and robust cloud based rental management platform and online services – all at a fraction of the cost of other systems.

Learn more at

PMT Launches RateChaser – Advanced Rate Intelligence

Property Manager Tools (PMT) – the originator, and still the leader, in automated quote response technology with SmartResponse™ – has launched the next generation of advanced rate intelligence.  Named RateChaser™, it enables PMs, VRMs and owners to maximize their revenues. A comprehensive overview of your market’s rate and occupancy levels is vital to the success of your vacation rental revenue strategy. RateChaser™ has one of the most advanced rate shopping systems, offering reliable rate intelligence technology for any market in the world.

Robert Simmons, Co-Founder, Marketing Director, states “RateChaser™ takes Yield Management to another level. Everyone shops competitive rates – and they do that manually. And now that booking engines use dynamic pricing, rates are consistently changing.  You can’t afford to set your listing rates once and walk away. As experts in automating manual processes, PMT’s developers have created a service that automates rate shopping. And we’ve added competitive occupancy level reporting to the service as well. With the emergence of “Book Now” buttons and “low to high” sorting options on the major listing sites, your property will only get one shot to offer a competitive rate or lose the prospect to another listing.  This service will be essential for vacation rental managers and owners alike. ”

According to Doug Rein, Co-Founder and Technology Lead “There is a limit to how much data you can analyze by hand.  It’s risky to make pricing decisions based on limited data.  Our servers capture the whole market at once.  The single report option lets you choose just those areas you want in your report – often down to specific resorts.  Then, on your own timeline, you can purchase a fresh report for the latest data.  We also offer a Professional version on a monthly subscription, providing continually updated data, rate change notifications and the ability to target specific units. ”

This robust tool will be the preferred choice of revenue managers, general managers and individual rent by owners worldwide because it can be used as a standalone service. There is no need to use a specific booking engine or PMS to receive the benefits of the service.

For more information and to sign up for a $19.95 competitive rate and occupancy level report for your market using RateChaser™, click this link to learn more RateChaser™

PMT Launches the Smartest Responder Available Today

PMT, Property Manager Tools, the originator and leader in automated quote response technology, has launched the next generation of their revolutionary quote responder. This release represents the first “Smart Responder” for the vacation rental industry. With this enhanced technology, PMT’s AQR SmartResponder™ will be able to answer questions that guests ask in their inquiry and optimize guest dates to fill gaps.

Uniform responses are beginning to frustrate guests. Because other responders use the same template for every PM, guests have begun to figure out those are cookie cutter responses. Guests just scroll to the total line and move on. Worse still, some responders get mistaken for advertising, due to their similarity to the listing site’s “your quote is on the way” email.

Since 2011, PMT’s free-form HTML templates – exclusive to PMT users – have allowed each PM to create a unique, stand-out style. Some PMs have distilled the quote to just a brief paragraph with the total price. Only PMTs technology can do this. This causes the guest to slow down and read the response carefully. Then, with SmartResponse™ the guest finds that the PM has acknowledged their questions, offering a feeling of personal service.

PMs can teach the system to recognize questions on almost any topic, plus PMT will preload their account with common questions such as: Is this unit pet friendly? Do you offer military or police/fire discount? Or, Is there an airport shuttle?

Property Managers save hours each week by not having to reply to free-form guest questions.

AutoFlex™ Dates make AQR smarter still. When a request overlaps another booking by just one day, other responders will abandon the requested unit and suggest another. AutoFlex™ Date technology will inform the guest that they can still stay in their preferred unit if they shift their arrival one day.

Robert Simmons, Co-Founder, Marketing Director, states “We believe this advanced technology is going to revolutionize how the vacation rental industry competes against the robotic looking responses by incorporating artificial intelligence. We are also adding this technology to our Mobile Guest App, Soon, it will be the most intelligent solution for 2-way communication between property manager and guest – with instant response to common guest issues and the ability to route the issue to the proper department. This will bring more great reviews and prevent bad ones.”

According to Doug Rein, Co-Founder, Technology Lead “The competitors that followed us into auto-response with an imitation of our 2011 product are missing the point. It’s not enough to just respond. To engage the guest, the reply must be uniquely styled and compelling. We make sure it addresses the specific unit, season and concerns of the guest.”

For more information and to sign up for a free trial of AQR 3.1 SmartResponder™, click this link to learn more AQR 3.1 SmartResponder™

The First “Click and Go” Mobile Guest App for the Vacation Rental Industry

PMT, Property Manager Tools, the originator and leader in automated quote responder technology, has launched the first “Click and Go” Mobile Guest App for the vacation rental industry, with no download required. It works on any device, and is part of the GoVacation.mobiTM network where guests can use one URL to connect with any of the participating Property Managers.

Robert Simmons, Co-Founder, Marketing Director, states “Our goal was to give guests what they wanted in a Guest Service App. So when we surveyed the guests, we found 80% said they preferred a Web App over an App Store app to use during their stay. And, the ‘Share My App’ feature lets all guests in the party use the app without the need to download from an App Store. Guests are eager to access their info, and are looking for a one click option.”

Our goal was to give guests what they wanted in a Guest Service App. So when we surveyed the guests, we found 80% said they preferred a Web App over an App Store app to use during their stay.

Instant access extends to Property Managers as well. They can sign up, customize and deliver the content to their guests immediately.

We also designed the app to be self-service so no setup fee is required. This means that Property Managers can configure and release their app, then grow it while serving their guests. PMT does provide the option of Professional Services if needed for even more enhanced features. And since Web apps are much less costly to deliver, PMT’s solution costs the Property Manager half of what others charge for the service.

Doug Rein, Co-Founder, Technology Lead notes: “PMT’s Guest Mobile App is seamlessly upgradable. So, guests will never be bothered with prompts to reinstall. When we add a feature, your guests see it right away. For example, when we added the ‘Survey’ feature, Property Managers were posting surveys and getting responses within a few hours. In the same way, the information you publish reaches your guests the moment you enter it.”

With nothing to install, there is also nothing to delete. In downloadable Apps, the guest removes the app when they complete their stay. PMT’s solution remains available, and you can even include the instant login link the next time you market to the guest.

PMT, Property Manager Tools, LLC launched in 2011 with the goal of using automation to make Property Managers more profitable. They offer a growing suite of solutions that work individually or together, including their innovative auto quote responder, which introduced auto-suggest to the industry.

Property Manager Tools Connects to HomeAway Software for Professionals®

Property Manager Tools is now connected to the largest selection of professionally managed vacation rentals via their partnership with HomeAway Software for Professionals®. HomeAway Software for Professionals supplies vacation rental managers with the category leading software to best manage their properties.

As a part of Escapia Net, PMT can now offer all its services to Escapia Property Managers. Doug Rein, Co-Founder, Technology Lead states “This relationship ensures that all pricing information flows directly from HomeAway Software directly into our system. Property Managers now know that their rates, fees and taxes are current each time a quote goes out - even if they are using the HA yield management features, which adjust pricing as occupancy increases.”

This relationship underscores HomeAway Software for Professional’s intent to collaborate with partners with companion products that enhance the HomeAway client’s profitability. This relationship also affords PMT the ability to relate bookings to the inquiries from which they originated. So, your PMT tracking page will highlight those inquiries that booked.

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